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RSS and Atom Feeds

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We provides several feeds for users interested in staying current with the latest site and repository content.

What are RSS and Atom feeds?

RSS and Atom are standard XML formats that are easily understood by RSS readers and most browsers. RSS (which stands for "Really Simple Syndication") provides a standard format for readers or aggregators to receive information and updates from feeds to which the user has subscribed. Atom feeds are based on 2 different standards: the Atom Publishing Protocol (which is an HTTP-based approach for creating and editing web resources) and the Atom Syndication Format (which is an XML-based syndication standard).

To subscribe to a feed, you will need to provide your favorite feed reader with the URL for that feed.

What feeds are available?

We provides several different feeds to help you keep track of site news as well as updates to the content repository. All feeds listed below are provided using RSS with the exception of the lens feeds (which use Atom).

Recent Content Feed

This feed provides a list of all recently published and updated content in the repository, alerting you to the addition of new resources as well as updates to existing modules and collections.

Recent Collections Feed

This feed is similar to the Recent Content feed, however the results are limited to collections only to alert you to new and updated textbooks, journal issues, courses, etc. rather than each individual content module.

Lens Feed

The Lens Feed is an Atom feed that provides access to all public lenses on the site. A feed for each lens can be accessed by adding "/atom" to the end of that lens' URL.


  • To view listing of all lenses:
  • To view listing of all lenses owned by the 'cnxorg' user:
  • To view listing of the "documentation" lens owned by the 'cnxorg' user:

The View All Lenses feed provides links to subscribe to the other Lenses. From here you can use the links provided to subscribe to individual lens feeds:

Figure 1: The "All Lenses" feed as displayed in Firefox 3.

News Feed

Use this feed to keep track of the latest site news and announcements.

Connexions Blog Feed

This feed allows you to keep up with the latest posts on the Connexions blog ( including authoring tips and tricks, community updates and announcements, and behind-the-scenes updates regarding current and future development efforts.

Developer Blog Feed

Software developers and others interested in learning more about the technical side of Connexions may want to read the Developer Blog for updates from our software development team.

Feed URL:

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