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Search tips:
The search text you enter is treated as a space separated list of search terms. Terms may be grouped by enclosing them in double quotes ("). Terms are ANDed together.
Search terms match the following fields:
- exact module or collection ID (m0000, col10040)
- title
- author, translator
- institution (for collections only)
- subject
- keyword
- editor, maintainer, licensor
- summary
- full text
Other tips:
- Very common words (the, and, of, etc.), single letters, isolated punctuation, and terms that don't match anything in the repository (zzyyxx, asdfqwerty, etc.) will be dropped from the search.
- All remaining terms are matched -- it's an "AND" search, not an "OR" search.
- You may group terms with double quotes.
- The Title and Author options restrict the search terms to matching in the Title and/or Author fields.
- The Collections option limits the search to Collections, excluding Modules from the results.
- The Subject option limits the search to the selected Subject, regardless of the search term.